What’s it like to be a graduate engineer at Northrop?

Civil and environmental engineer Angelica Kamperos features in Northrop’s latest video.

Based in our Sydney office, Angelica joined our civil team in 2016 as an undergraduate. She completed her studies at the University of New South Wales in 2018 and is now a full-time engineer with Northrop.

While a little daunted at the prospect of starring in the video, Angelica jumped at the opportunity to share her story. “When you’re really passionate about something, it’s very hard to say no to the chance to talk about it!” says Angelica.

“Northrop has taught me to grab opportunities when they arise, no matter how different, challenging or new they may be.”

The video offers insight into Angelica’s experience as a graduate at Northrop. It firstly looks at her role and then why Northrop is the place for her.

“If you’re hungry to explore opportunity, not afraid to tackle new projects and eager to learn a wide range of skills, then there really is no better place to kickstart your career!”

Check out Angelica’s story above.

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