Arthur Dixon Court Industrial Development

The Arthur Dixon Court Industrial Development included the delivery of two purpose designed allotment building pads to cater for the over 10,000 sqm industrial sheds and new cul-de-sac road construction.
Due to the presence of high strength rock in the region, the Northrop civil team worked closely with the client and geotechnical consultant early in the project to determine the profile of the rock interface, and most cost-effective design and grading for future use.
The design required preliminary understanding of the on-lot pad, hardstand and carpark design in order to deliver planning approval for both public and private works.
Delivery of the public works contract was completed in mid-2021, this included the completion of the detailed allotment earthworks for each lot. The timely delivery of the site allowed the purpose designed facility for Pacific Optics to take tenancy before the close of the 2021 calendar year. 
Client Name
Frasers Property Industrial

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