100-104 Barry Road, Kellyville
Before purchasing this eight-acre parcel of land in North Kellyville, the developer engaged Impact Group to undertake due diligence, advise on urban design and investigate the site constraints. We assisted by undertaking a financial feasibility analysis to establish returns. This helped the developer to decide what they were willing to pay for the land. We then assisted the developer to negotiate the purchase.
The land was subdivided into 23 residential lots, the urban design was submitted to Council and discussions with Council started in earnest (this development was done in an already existing larger development). The plans were approved by Council in less than six months, largely due to our keen focus on planning compliance, good design practice as well as weekly communications with Council.
This was a tight site with a mixed public and private road development, we had to include provide engineering services to meet two code requirements yet achieving the goal to keep the price of the lots at the right levels. After close negotiations with local energy authorities we managed to keep the design simple and design the entire precinct to a public standard which simplified the design and approval process.
Environmental constraints, including existing protected bushland, associated bushfire risk and minor soil contamination, constituted our biggest challenges. However, through close collaboration with the developer, specialist consultants and Council, Impact Group were able to maximise the value of the site without affecting the adjacent environment.
A relatively unusual project for our Building Services team, which we thoroughly enjoyed tackling together. Our team was particularly proud of the speed in which we helped deliver a great result for our client and the developer.
For more information, contact our Building Services team. We can help you to deliver complex subdivision projects - sydney@northrop.com.au