Australian Parliament House
The Parliament House is the meeting place of the Australian Federal Government containing 4,700 rooms, and many public areas including the main foyer that leads to the Great Hall, the House of Representatives, Senate chamber, Members’ Hall and the Ministerial Wing (including the office of the prime minister and other ministers).
Northrop has been engaged on many occasion to provide comprehensive Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Fire and Hydraulic Services Engineering designs, budget estimates, payback period analysis, value engineering and tender documentation working directly both directly to the Department of Parliamentary Services and for leading architects such as Guida Mosley Brown Architects.
Due to the key installation nature of the Australian Parliament House we are unable to go into detail on the majority of works on which we have been involved due to security reason. That said we have worked in close coordination and harmony with key stakeholders to ensure works undertaken on the living breathing heart of Australia meet expectations whilst avoiding disruptions to the function of government.