Uniting Mayflower, Gerringong
Uniting Mayflower Village in Gerringong is a new 100-bed RACF and community centre expansion to an existing facility. The new RACF is a 3-storey building incorporating large open span spaces. The 100-bed facility is a mixture of accessible rooms over 5 households from ground to L2. Each household shares clinical BOH, community kitchen, dining lounge and sitting rooms along with outside access via balconies or courtyard. The ground floor household is dedicated memory support with a dedicated stimulus courtyard. The community centre combines a new admin for the village with gym, activity rooms, chapel, hairdresser, treatment rooms and café. Basement contains staff facilities and communal BOH facilities for food deliveries, storage, maintenance, waste and linen.
Northrop worked closely with Council to develop an approach to address the current overland flow issues, which included significant flood studies of the surrounding catchment area. Poor ground issues were addressed with a combination of ground improvements and deep piled foundations. Uniting are very pleased with the new facility, and we are currently designing the subsequent stages, including refurbishment and expansions of both Boronia and Pioneer Lodges.