Shepherd Street Precinct, Georges River, Liverpool
Coronation Property purchased riverfront land with a view to creating a mixed-use residential precinct just south of Liverpool CBD.
During the winter floods of 2016, the Georges River rose in level. This had the effect of destabilising the riverbank and a large landslip occurred. Subsequent investigations to repair and stabilise the bank led to the identification of more unstable banks in the precinct. This matter was holding up approvals as Council wished to create a foreshore walk along this riverbank and needed to know that a bank stabilisation solution could be found and implemented prior to issuing development consent. Northrop undertook riverine investigations to identify the stability of whole river reach, which included a visual inspection (by boat) coupled with targeted geotechnical assessment. A bank stabilisation solution was identified which satisfied Council. However, a Controlled Activity Approval was yet to be issued by DPI Water. Northrop entered into extensive discussions with DPI Water officials, including the Head of the Department. A strategy was identified to provide offsetting of riparian zones, thereby allowing the development to achieve compliance without having to alter the footprint or magnitude of the developments in the precinct. Ultimately the issue was resolved successfully in the Land & Environment Court in which Mal Brown of Northrop was a Joint Expert to the Court.